Monday, December 11, 2006

**Serving #1 Finding "My Truth"

Thin and Serene: A Way of Life

Finding "My Truth"

My Experience, Strength and Hope serving #1

One of the first things I learned on my journey towards becoming a Thin and Serene me was, that not everything I hear or read is "My Truth". Being it's my recovery it's my job to determine what is my "Truth" and what is not "My Truth". Before my recovery journey, I believed almost everything I heard or read was "My Truth", especially if it was the newest diet fad.

What I have learned now is; when I hear about something new it's my job to chew on it for a while before deciding if it's my "Truth". After chewing on it for a time, I have a choice I can either swallow it or spit it out.

In the beginning this concept felt very foreign to me. What gave me the right to determine what was right for me. I certainly did not feel like the expert. It was a lot easier to let society, well meaning friends, books, commercials, ect. decide what was my "Truth".

As I started developing this part of "My Truth o Meter", I find I do know what's best for me. Listed below are some"My Truths". Maybe some of them are "Your Truths" too, maybe not. Feel free to chew on them for a few minutes to find out.

-Food is never the answer. The food addict part of me had me believing food was the only answer. There were times when my addict had me truly believing that if I did not continue eating tell I was sick I would die.

-There's always another meal coming. Before recovery the part of me that innately knew there is another meal coming was broken, In my addict infested mind every meal was my last.

-It's impossible to have just another bite today and remain a Thin and Serene me tomorrow. My addict had me brainwashed into thinking I could have just one bit and then quit. It did not matter how many times I proved it wrong, two seconds later it would have me believing it again.

-It's OK for me to waste food. I have two choices I can either waste food on my waist and get bigger and bigger or I can waste food in the garbage. In the beginning of my journey I had a trick I use to play on my addict with pepper. When I was finishing dinner, especially at a restaurant, and I would have that second when my body would say I'm full: I would pick up the pepper unscrew the lid and dump it on rest of my food before my addict could make me finish it. I know this sounds drastic but my drastic disease led me to drastic measures.

-With some foods one is to many and a million is not enough. For me there are four kinds of foods: foods that I don't like, ..............foods that are OK, .............foods that I love........... and foods that I love that love me back. It's the food that I love that love me back where One is too many and a million is not enough. In early recovery I had to be willing to rid my house of all the food that I loved that loved my back. Again another drastic measure for my deadly disease. ps....I did find the longer I stayed away from the foods that I loved that love me back the more I began to love the food that use to be just OK. Now three of my favorite foods are okra, butternut squash, and zuccinni, who would have ever thought.
Possible Activity1: Make a list of as many foods as you can think of and put them in the above catagories. Rid your house of the food that you love that love you back. Then sit back and relax and see what happens to your list of just OK foods. Maybe, just maybe you will begin to love some of them like I did.

Thanks for letting me share your journey toward becoming a Thin and Serene you.

Possible Activity 2: Make a list of at least 10 of your "Truths". It's important to exercise our "Truth O Meters". Keep in mind that what feels like your "Truth" today could change tomorrow. Especially in the beginning when we're just learning to determine what is YOUR "Truth".

Having fun in recovery,
ps If you find one of my Experience, Strength and Hope is not your "Truth", don't forget to just spit it out.

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