Friday, December 08, 2006

Week 2 The Lists and My Disease

Thin and Serene: A Way of Life Week Two

The Lists and

My Disease

My Yellow List - Week Two
Rewrite your Yellow List adding any new items that “could” interfere with your journey.

1. _______________________


3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ________________________

9. _______________________

10. ______________________

11. ____________________

12. ______________________

13. _____________________

14. _____________________

15. _______________________

16. _______________________

17. _______________________

18. _______________________

My No Matter What Red List - Week 2

1. ________________________

2. __________________________

3. _________________________

4. __________________________

© It’s time to take another item or two from your Yellow List and transfer it to your No Matter What Red List. This list will still be very short. At this time you “could” have up to four items but no more.

© Some of your options are: If you started out with a +++ item like sugar was for me, you might want to add only one + plus item(s) this week.

© f you started out with two ++ items, you might be ready for a ++ item or a +++ one.

© Remember you can always change an item if you decide you are not ready to let it go yet as long as you wait until morning, when you’re stronger and making the decision and not your addict.

© Again the most important positive affirmation I can give I KEEP MY FOOD IN ONE POCKET; MY LIFE IN THE OTHER AND THEY DON‘T MIX.” This is especially true for your No Matter What Red List foods. Keep them down at the bottom of your pocket so they can't see your life......let alone get mixed up in it. Be sure to put any new No Matter What Red List foods on slips of paper and put them in the food pocket.

© Here's the more information on the scales and weighing yourself that I promised earlier. Your scales can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Just remember, your addict sometimes takes up residence in your scales, especially on days that aren’t the 1st or 15th of the month.

At one point I had to have my husband hide my scales and only bring it out on the 1st and the 15th, which were my agreed upon weigh days................. Believe me, I know, weighing on days other than the 1st or the 15th does not contribute to the making of a Thin and Serene you........................Therefore, I strongly encourage you to only weigh on the 1st and 15th.

My Green List - Week Two

Some of the Green List items will stay the same; others will change or increase. You will need to read it over carefully to see what adjustments, if any, have been made each week.

1. Drink an eight ounce glass of water ten to fifteen minutes before each meal. Just a reminder that the reason for this is two-fold; one, it takes approximately fifteen minutes for your stomach to start feeling full. Most of us being fast eaters, we can devour a lot of food before realizing we are full. Thus the water will aid us in accomplishing a fuller feeling as we begin our meal. The other reason is, it’s difficult for our bodies to tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Therefore, it’s important to keep hydrated. .

2, For lunch each day, you need to eat exactly eight ounces of vegetables. Our addicts respects exact things and is less likely to interfere. Again, peas, corn, potatoes, and yams may not be used for any of your measured vegetables.

3. For dinner you need to increase your vegetables to twelve exact ounces. The more exact you keep this measurement, the more your addict will respect you and you will respect yourself. If you have not yet invested in a digital food scale, I again invite you to purchase one. If you have invested in a digital scale, pat yourself on the back because you are putting yourself first. (More on patting yourself on the back in Week Nine)

4. Suggested food plan
Breakfast- 4 ounces protein
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving carb.(If you’re having trouble getting
day count, you might want to avoid starchy carbs.)

Lunch- 5 ounces protein
8 ounces vegetables
1 ounce fat
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving carb (Again I can’t eat any starchy carbs.
and live a Thin and Serene Way of Life.

Dinner- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1.5 ounces fat
8 ounces fruit

5. You need to have at least four hours between your meals. This also needs to be exact, not three hours and 59 minutes. As I mentioned above, our addicts respect exactness. This boundary will also help you build a strong abstaining muscle.

6. More thinking about how becoming Thin and Serene starts on the inside.

This weeks positive affirmation.

-I love water and herbal teas.

-When I want to eat and it's not time I'm really only thirsty.

-I only weigh myself on the 1st and 15th of the month.

Now Let's Talk About Your Disease:

In the beginning of my journey, I thought I was fighting myself; that I had to stop myself from wanting to eat anything and everything that was not locked away. Then I learned it was not me that I was fighting, but my disease/food addict. I really wanted to eat healthfully, be a normal size and not spend every waking hour thinking of food. I was letting her (my disease/addict) rob me of that which should have been most precious to me, my health, my family (especially my grandbabies) and my life.

At first I even felt sorry for my addict's thinking she would die if she did not eat, eat, and eat. Then I started wondering why I was feeling sorry for my addict when what she really wanted was for me to suffer and suffer and suffer and ultimately die. Had I continued on the path of destruction I was on, that’s exactly what would have happened.

In the beginning of my journey, I didn’t take my food addict or disease seriously enough. Just in case you don’t take your addict or disease serious enough.

I’m going to give your addict a few minutes to talk with you….

I AM YOUR DISEASEI hate recovery.
I hate support groups. I hate anyone who has a Program.
To all that come in contact with me, I wish you suffering and death.

Allow me to introduce myself.
I am the disease of food addiction.
I am cunning, baffling and powerful. That's me!
I've killed millions and enjoyed doing it.
I love to catch you by surprise.
I love pretending I'm your friend and lover.
I've given you comfort. Wasn't I there when you were lonely?

When you wanted to die, didn't you call on me?
I love to make you hurt. I love to make you cry.
Better yet, I love it when I make you so numb you can't hurt and you can't cry. You feel nothing at all.
I give you instant gratification.
All I ask in return is long-term suffering.
I've always been there for you.

When things were going right, you invited me back.
You said you didn't deserve to be happy.
I agreed with you.
Together we were able to destroy your life.

People don't take me seriously.
They take strokes seriously.
They take heart attacks seriously.
Even diabetes, they take seriously.
Yet, without my help, these things wouldn't be possible.

I'm such a hated disease, yet I don't come uninvited.
You choose to have me.
Many have chosen me instead of love and peace.
When you settle for mere existence, I thrive and grow more powerful
every day but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
when you work to feel fully alive, I weaken.

I hate all of you who have recovery.
Your Program, your support groups and your persistence weakens me.
I can't function in the manner I'm accustomed to.
When you have recovery, I must lie here quietly,
but I’m always here waiting for you.
Until we meet again,
I wish you Continued suffering and death.
Your disease

Activity: My suggestion would be to copy this letter from your disease and put it somewhere where you can read it at least once a day.

I will never be “normal” in my relationship with food, all I have is a daily reprieve conditional on my staying out of my No Matter What Red List foods. And it”s imperative that I remember as I enjoy a more “normal” relationship with food, it’s only a gift dependent on my avoiding any and all my No Matter What Red List foods. Furthermore, I believe my disease is busy doing “push up’s“, just waiting for me to eat even one No Matter What Red List food so she can destroy my life.

Activity 8
Write a letter back to you disease/addict. Keep in mind as you write your letter that your addict wants you suffering and if possible dead! Keep a copy to refer to when you think food is the answer

Wants Me


Fatima said...

please email me: i need ur help

Anonymous said...

wow this looks like something that will help me I hope. Thanks a lot for your advice and support.

Carolyn Steed said...

I need help and this sounds like it is for me.I'm ashamed to admit I teach nutrition in my role as a Diabetes Educator, RN but cannot follow the advice I give. Please comment.Carolyn

Bokskrivare said...


My name is Frida and I’m from Sweden. I have a short
question for you that I hope you could answer. I’m
actually writing a book about eating disorders (also sugar addiction) in
different kind of ways and also other forms of anxiety
about food, and I think that it would be interesting
to get in touch with you (if you think that you have
something to talk about). I’d love it if you answered
directly to my e-mail, If someone
else would be interested in sharing their experiences
or information (everything; overeating, anorexia,
sugar addiction, bulimia, ortorexia and so on) please
contact me. Obvouusly it’s anonymous and you will of
course get at copy of the book.

Thank you!

Frida (

jaybee said...

i thought i was the only one can you please email me too

rea20 said...

I need help and this sounds like it is for me. I am a premed and my addiction is obvious especially when i am under stress or i have exams which is all the time. I am really depressed and i have thought of quitting school just to focus on losing weight which is something i can't really afford to do. i am only 19 and weigh 162lbs but i m on my way to obesity. i m gaining every year 6 xtra pounds. i am ashamed to admit that i think of commiting suicide everyday but i m not that selfish to do it. i really need help. plz email me at i think i need a pen pal

Anonymous said...

I hope this works i am so desperate, I was up at 2 am last night crying , telling my husband I cannot take it anymore , I am sick of being stuck in this big body , last time i weighed myself i weighed 190 and i am afraid to get back on the scale I think i gained about ten pounds , i just dont know how to help myself and money is real tight so when i run out of food again i will try this , maybe you are like a sign on what will work for me , i dont know yet because i have tried so many diets , and i knew it wasnt the diets it was like a addiction but didnt know how to help myself ,i was ready to give up , i have high cholestrol and 2 bad heart valves and couldnt even get any help from my doctor , i will try this thank you and bless you for trying to help others , the world needs more people like you , maybe society wouldnt be so fat , thank you

Anonymous said...

I hope this works i am so desperate, I was up at 2 am last night crying , telling my husband I cannot take it anymore , I am sick of being stuck in this big body , last time i weighed myself i weighed 190 and i am afraid to get back on the scale I think i gained about ten pounds , i just dont know how to help myself and money is real tight so when i run out of food again i will try this , maybe you are like a sign on what will work for me , i dont know yet because i have tried so many diets , and i knew it wasnt the diets it was like a addiction but didnt know how to help myself ,i was ready to give up , i have high cholestrol and 2 bad heart valves and couldnt even get any help from my doctor , i will try this thank you and bless you for trying to help others , the world needs more people like you , maybe society wouldnt be so fat , thank you