Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Week Four

The Lists and

Forming Good Habits

My Yellow List- Week Four
Rewrite you yellow list adding any new items that “could” interfere with your journey.
1. ______________________________ 11._________________________
2. ______________________________ 12._________________________
3. ______________________________ 13. _________________________
4._______________________________ 14.__________________________
5._______________________________ 15.__________________________
6._______________________________ 16.__________________________
8.________________________________ 18._________________________
9.________________________________ 19. _________________________
10._______________________________ 20. _________________________
(Reminder list lengths can be adjusted)

My No Matter What Red List - Week Four

1. ________________________ 5. _____________________________
2. ________________________ 6. ____________________________
3. ________________________ 7. _____________________________
4. ________________________ 8. _____________________________

♥It’s time to take another item from your Yellow List and transfer it to your No Matter What Red List.
♥If it’s not yet, increasing your B2BNo Matter What Red List day count has to be the number one priority in your life. Right now, your day count “could” be twenty-one.
♥One of the ways I stopped binging was by using what I call, “Think the binge through.” If you’re having trouble with this concept, go back and reread the binge paper I had you write in the Getting Started section. Keep in mind that if you “could” eat just one of anything on your No Matter What Red List, you would not have purchased my program. Now I can watch as I play out the scenario that would follow that first bite and recognize it for what it is...my addict/disease attempting to take away all I hold precious. This is what I call “thinking the binge through”.
♥Remember that saying over and over to yourself, FOOD IN ONE POCKET: LIFE IN THE OTHER: DON’T MIX, will help you internalize that most important concept. Continue to put you new No Matter What Red List food into your food pocket.
♥Keep in mind that you make no food decisions after noon and definitely none at night. In fact, I’m even careful with what life decisions I make at night because my addict tries to interfere with any and all evening decisions I make.
♥If I can have a Thin and Serene Life, then so can you. It all started with one day. If that day has not started yet, it “could” start today. If you are already on your way, give yourself a pat on the back and a hip, hip hooray!

My Green List - Week Four
Your Green List is the same as last week. For this week, concentrate on exactness on your Green List. This list really exercises your abstinent muscle when done exactly.
1. Continue to drink your eight ounces of water before each meal.
2. For lunch and dinner each day, your veggies will stay at exactly twelve ounces. Again peas, corn, potatoes, and yams may not be used for any of your measured vegetables. Some heavier veggies are tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots.
3. Suggested food plan
Breakfast- 4 ounces protein
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving starchy carb..
Lunch- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1 ounce fat
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving starchy carb
Dinner- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1.5 ounces fat
8 ounces fruit
(One way to know if starchy carbs are a problem for you is; if your addict/disease wants you to have a starchy carb for dinner too: that “could’ mean you are like me and have an intolerance for starchy carbs. If starchy carbs are truly not a problem it should be a breeze to avoid them at dinner.)
3. You need to continue having at least four hours between your meals, and remember being exact is the best defense against your addict.
4. Beginning to mentally envision that becoming Thin and Serene is an
inside job.
♥It’s time to start thinking about making your exactly weighed vegetables part of your No Matter What Day Count, keeping in mind that exactness is one of the few entities your addict respects.

Hey it’s me again your addict/disease;
I hate recovery. I hate support groups. I hate anyone who has a Program. To all that come in contact with me, I wish you suffering and death

♥ Just a reminder that if your number one concern is not how to put your addict/disease in it’s place, than your addict might just get it‘s wish. Hence, finding what it takes to counteract your addict needs to be your number one concern. And the only things that I have found that does this are; exactness and never giving up “one day at a time”.

OK, let’s talk about habits.
The concept of habits has been one of the foundations of my developing a Thin and Serene Way of Life; therefore, I’m giving it its own week.
Habits come in primarily two kinds, good and not so good and take about 21 days to begin forming. Now, I know more than I want to know about the not so good kinds, which seem to form in much less than 21 days and usually without my knowledge; at least that’s how it seemed to me before recovery. But since I’ve been in recovery, I’ve learned to appreciate this whole habit concept more than I ever thought I would. What I have learned is that if I’m diligent about something I want to change for 21 days, presto...like magic it starts to transform.
Now, can you think of any reason why I’ve chosen Week 4 to bring this up? (Hint: We have been working together three weeks or 21 days.)
One of my first big habit changes was a not so good to good kind of adjustment. I think those are the most compelling; at least for me. I will share my experience with you.
In early recovery, one of my hardest not eating times was at night. Now I know why that was. My disease tended to be a night owl, and made most if not all of my food decisions for me in the evening. But, at that time I did not know all about the “addict” concept, and just thought I was a bad person who could not keep from eating at night. Through trial and error, I figured out that I’m not a bad person, but a good one with a deadly disease inside her. What a relief it was to know that I was not a bad person, but I have a disease. I also started to notice at that time that my addict wasn’t as smart as she thought she was and I could trick her.
Armed with this information, I started telling her she could have whatever it was that she was trying to convince me I needed in the morning, (knowing that in the morning I would be strong again and in control). Every night we would replay this scenario with me tricking her into waiting until morning. This is how I accomplished getting my 6,935 days off sugar (one night at a time). After about a month, (21ish days) it started to become a little easier. It was by no means a cinch, but easier. About a year into my journey, night became my easiest time to stay out of the food because of the good habit I had unknowingly formed early in my recovery.


Write a list of good habits you are beginning to form or would like to begin forming in the coming twenty- one days. I will help you by listing some possibilities. Considering we have been working together for over 21 days some of these habits “could” already be gaining strength.
♥Waiting until morning to make No Matter What Red List food changes
♥Weighing yourself only on the 1st and 15th
♥E-mailing me daily if you’re being coached
♥Being serious, but having fun, too
♥Realizing when your thoughts are your addict or when they’re yours
♥Patting yourself on the back when you do something good
♥Drinking an eight-ounce glass of water before each meal
♥Eating your exactly measured ounces of veggies for lunch and dinner
♥Waiting at least 4 hours between meals
♥Putting your stars on your calendar
♥Doing all the activities suggested in this guide
♥Taking lots of naps to stay out of the food
♥Making sure you always have water beside your bed (so you can drown your addict instead of feeding her)
♥Giving the things you put on your What Takes the Place of Food List a chance
♥Writing notes and especially “positive thoughts” in the Notes and Positive Thoughts sections

Good Habits I am forming and or want to form:
(You may adopt some or my entire list)
Coaching note: Send this list to me along with any insight you gained from the “forming good habits” concept.

Stay connected with others who understand food addiction. If you have not already done so, contact me and I will hook you up with another program person so you can offer each other, experience and hope as you work towards evicting your addicts.

Increasing My
No Matter What
Red List day count
has to be my
number one priority.

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