Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Week Nine

The Lists and


My Yellow List
Rewrite your shortened Yellow List.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4 _________________________________
6. ________________________________
7. ________________________________
8. ________________________________
9. ________________________________

© Now that your abstinent muscle is getting stronger, you “could” be finding that you're not resorting to using your Yellow List as much. If this is true, pat yourself on the back and shout 'Hooray!' (If this is not your truth, you “could” back up and repeat Weeks Six, Seven and Eight).

My No Matter What Red List- Week Nine

1. _____________________________ 7. ____________________________
2. _____________________________ 8. ____________________________
3. _____________________________ 9. ____________________________
4. _____________________________ 10. ___________________________
5. _____________________________ 11. ___________________________
6. _____________________________ 12. __________________________

© We would not walk in front of a speeding car, but we run right up to food that can lay us flat, sometimes forever. Please remember, your life may depend on your staying out of your No Matter What Red List Foods. I have stayed away from my No Matter What Red List one day at a time for a long time and my No Matter What Red List is very long because it has been accumulating for over 6,935 days).
© Keep in mind that your addict never comes to your house uninvited. Therefore, I’m encouraging you to play detective this week to see if any of your binge foods are still lurking around in your cupboards, fridge or freezer just waiting to invite your disease/addict into your house. If you find any, practice some eckless wasting instead of reckless eating and throw them away.

Your Green List - Week Nine
Your Green List is the same as last week.
1. Continue to include your eight glasses of water or equivalent each day.
2. Your lunch vegetables at home or away will remain twelve exact ounces again for this week.
3. Your dinner vegetables at home or away will be the same as last week, exactly sixteen ounces.
4. Breakfast- 4 ounces protein
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving carb..
Lunch- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1 ounce fat
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving carb
Dinner- 5 ounces protein
16 ounces vegetables
1.5 ounces fat
8 ounces fruit

5. You need to continue leaving at least four hours between your meals. .
6. Enjoying that in your “heart” and body you are becoming Thin and
© I find that I usually get out of something exactly what I put into it. For the last year and a half, I would get an A+ at putting my recovery first. Up until that time I bounced between a B+ and a C, and some of those days were pretty painful. I don’t think I went any lower than a C because I was able to stay out of the sugar No Matter What at all costs. That’s why I put such an emphasis on putting your recovery and this program first. The reason I would give myself an A+ for the last year and a half is because I have finally quit fighting my addict and have learned how to overpower her with exactness, as in being willing to weigh my food all the time No Matter What.
© Keep in mind that I’m not asking anything of you that I’m not doing myself and have been doing for many years. Remember, I did say you need to be willing to follow most (if not all) of my suggestions. Only if you follow “al”l of my suggestions will you attain “all” of what I have, which is a life beyond my wildest dreams.

What Takes the Place of the Food?

At times people have asked me what’s significant enough to take the place of the food, and I say “the moment”. By “the moment,” I mean, everything feeling like it’s enough and/or doing something and thinking of nothing else. Up until I entered my recovery journey at thirty three, I truly believe that I can count on one hand the seconds I spent in “the moment.” For most of my pre-recovery life, I was either thinking about the past or focusing on what the future might hold. Now I can say that I’m “in the moment” close to eighty percent of the time. I know this because that is where joy resides. By joy, I mean a” Low Delight Level.” When you start feeling delighted at things that you would have not noticed before, you have acquired a “low delight level” and found “the moment“.
Let’s think about earlier when I spoke about food being not only number one, but also numbers one through ten in my life. I’m going to now share with you my secret about how to get yourself doing numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen, etc. when you would rather be eating.
In the beginning I had to be realistic knowing that for the most part these things were not on a daily basis more important than eating. What I suggest is that you think about as many activities as you can, that you like or at least don’t mind doing, that aren’t food related. Make sure that some of them are things you could do right now. I will share with you as many as I can think of to give you ideas. Remember, they don’t have to be things you love, but just don’t mind doing.

Mopping my kitchen (This I don’t mind doing and I love the results after it’s done). The other day I even bought floor wax and polished it, too. Even thinking about how gorgeous it looks now brings a smile to my face)
Putting really good smelling lotion on my hands
Listening to a few of my favorite songs
Dancing to one of my favorite songs. (I love this one)
Brushing and flossing my teeth
Coloring, especially with brand new crayons
Surfing on the computer
Vacuuming a quick run over or a long one
Calling someone on the phone and asking how he or she is doing
Working in the yard
Washing my car
Taking the car to get gas
Going for a walk
Taking a nap
Watching TV
Doing a load of laundry
Folding and putting away a load of laundry (Especially when they’re warm clothes because now that I’m not over 200 pounds I get cold easily)
Doing one of my stretching DVDs
Going for a bike ride
Running an errand while listening to a book on tape in the car
Reading trashy books
Reading not so trashy books
Polishing my nails
Cleaning out my Beta fishie’s tank (I think it makes him happy too; sometimes it’s nice to choose things that will make others happy too.)

Activity 9
I bet you can guess what it’s going to be. Yes, it’s your turn to make a What Takes the Place of Food List. You are more than welcome to borrow any of mine that sound good. I thought of twenty-four, so you need to think of at least 15. Remember, if you get stuck borrow some of mine.
What Takes the Place of Food List?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________
11. ______________________________________________________
12. ______________________________________________________
13. ______________________________________________________
14. ______________________________________________________
15. ______________________________________________________
Activity 10
Now for the secret I promised you. I have found that in order for the above list to be more import than food, I have to be doing them. So the next time your addict tries to get you to eat when you would rather not, pick one of the above activities and do it for five or ten minutes and see if what I’m telling you works for you like it does for me. Coaching note: When you understand what I’m talking about with the secret, please e-mail me and share your experience
Now if you do chose to eat,
you for go
any chance of getting any or all of the above Instead this is what you will get.................First of all, you won't want to get out of bed, to go to work, school,whatever.When you do finally get out of that bed, you will feel groggy, as if youhad been drinking all night.You won't "feel" like getting in the shower, getting dressed taking careof your usual routine because you won't have the energy or motivation..(No Matter What Red List foods do that to us!)Then you will begin your plan for the day of how, when and how muchNo Matter What Red List foods can you get to "feel" satisfied.
(Let me remind you that there is not enough)You will arrive at your destination for the day, not able to focus,feeling "fat", feeling disgusted, feeling whatever your addict’disease voicestells you.You won't be able to concentrate on the day at hand because you will bethinking how soon to the next fix..............Oh and by the way, nothing will taste as good as your memory may tellyou, nothing tastes as good as our disease likes to remind us Ever so slowly or maybe right away you will realize oh no, I've lost myNo Matter What Red List day count and I'm in food again.....................I don't think I need to write anymore you get the gist of what I'msaying, Please, please take me seriously, You do not want to eat off your No Matter What Red List regardless of what is going on.
You may never make it back..............
Hold on to your No Matter What Red List day count with everything you have,it's truly a precious gift,
that you do not want to give back.........From one who knows all to well what will happen if youtake one JUST ONE bite of food off your No Matter What Red List..........
You do not want to go there, it's not worth it.................
Because remember your disease is doing "push up's",
Just waiting to bring you continued suffering and ultimately death

“Could” It Be
Time to Take
There’s “Always” Another Meal Coming

(In fact, in a most months I have 90 meals coming and in a year

Positive self-talk
Positive self-talk is a tool that helped me rewrite negative tapes about myself and my life. These negative thoughts blocked me from reaching my goal of having a Thin and Serene Life. I used positive self-talk to counter specific negative thoughts, and to bring me back to myself - to remind me that I am a remarkable human being. Here are some of my favorite positive affirmations:

I love myself.
I can create joy in my life.
I am enough.
It is OK to be confused.
It is OK to be upset.
I can say No to people without losing their love.
It is OK to make mistakes.
It is OK to ask for help.
I am surrounded by an abundance of love.
I choose to forgive.
I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe
I am complete.
I am happy.
I give myself permission to do what I know is best for me.
The more I like myself, the more others like themselves.
I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life.
There is room for love in my life.
I am loving and accepting of others and this creates lasting friendships for me.
I have value just the way I am.
I am free to be myself.
I am a forgiving and loving person.
I am responsible for my own Spiritual Growth.
I know what is best for me and I act on it.
I trust my inner being to lead me on the right path.
My defense mechanisms are no longer necessary because I am a wonderful person.
I control my attitude.
I am a Divine being.
I have a right to say NO to people without losing their love.
I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me,
including myself.
I deserve credit for my successes and accomplishments .
I give myself permission to not care about what others think.
I am becoming powerful.
I am a winner whether I like it or not.
I acknowledge all of my feelings because I am in touch with them.
I pat myself on the back regularly.
I am worthy of a good hip, hip hooray.
I am safe and always feel protected.
I am fully alive.
I trust myself completely.
My inner vision is always clear and focused.
I have the power to control my health.
I am in control of my health and wellness.
I am at peace with my Universe
I am constantly adding to my income.
I always spend money wisely.
I always have enough money for all that I need.
I am rewarded for all the work I do.
I accept myself completely.
I love and accept myself.
I acknowledge all the pain I have endured and release it.
I am the only one who knows my “truth” and how to live it.
I acknowledge the unique and special person that I am.
I have given myself permission to be at one with the Universe.
I am constantly amazed at the magnificence that is me.
It is OK for others to say No to me - it does not mean they do not love me.
I am unique, loving, loved, and free.
I surrender to my higher Self.
The power within me is greater than whatever is in front of me.
What others think of me is none of my business.
My strength comes from forgiveness of those who hurt me.
I am worthy of love.
The more I love, the more that love is returned to me.
Love is eternal and everlasting.
I nurture my inner child by loving her and allowing her to heal.
I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
I am at peace with myself.
I am always in harmony with the Universe.
I am filled with the Love of the Universal Divine Truth.
I am at peace with all those around me.
I have provided a harmonious place for myself and those I love.
The more honest I am with those around me, the more love is returned to me.
I express anger in appropriate ways so that peace and harmony are balanced at all times.
I am at one with the inner child in me.
I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.
I am healthy in all aspects of my being.
I do not fear being unhealthy because I know that I control my own body.
I am always able to maintain my ideal weight.
I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life.
My mind is at peace.
I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
I am a success in all that I do.
Everything I touch returns riches to me.
I am always productive.
My work is always recognized positively.
I respect my abilities and always work to my full potential.
I spent two full years of my recovery bringing positive energy into my life by embracing positive affirmations. I worked with them in several different ways. For awhile I wrote affirmations daily, then I wrote them only when I was feeling down or in stressful situations. One thing I did habitually was to write the affirmations that really called to me at any specific time.
As a daily activity write at least ten affirmations that really talk to you. Coaching note: Send me your daily list of affirmations.
To succeed in my program all you have to do is absolutely never ever give up.
Most of us have experienced too much of quitting. Usually what we do is expect too much and give up when we do not meet our own expectations. This can become a vicious cycle.
As I have said before, the answer is simple; it may not be easy but it is simple. If you truly want something, it will happen. It will take an extreme amount of patience, very hard work, much struggling and extensive time, but you can do it. Keep in mind that all you have to do to succeed in my program is to get up more often than you fall down.
I realize that a journey of this nature is not always straight forward. Sometimes it’s three steps forward and one or two steps back. I’ve put my program together with the hope that you won’t have too many setbacks, but even if you do, all you have to do is to keep trudging down the road and you will eventually get to the end as long as you don’t give up.
Keep in mind that negative energy produces more negative energy. Fortunately, the opposite is also true, positive energy builds positive energy and my guide is filled with positive energy. Most of my activities are directed at helping you keep your glass half full instead of half empty. A positive attitude will propel you forward eventually making all things possible
Here's a little message about thinking you have to do my program perfectly. I have never considered myself a perfectionist, but at one point in my journey I realized I was getting very frustrated because I was not progressing as fast as I thought I ”should” be. (There I go “shoulding” on myself again). Then I realized I did have a perfectionist side to me. What I finally recognized was that “for me” mastery is not a ten, it’s an eight.
I was feeling like I was not getting anywhere because I was not experiencing a number 10 mastery in the situations I was working on. Let me give you an example so you can understand more fully what I’m talking about. I have always struggled with being insecure, and after working on it for about a year I realized I still felt insecure quite often. Of course this made me feel like I was making little or no progress. Then I examined the situation a little more closely and saw that yes, I still felt insecure at times, but what had changed was how I acted when I felt that way. That had changed tremendously. Thus my “aha” that mastery is an eight not a ten. This new understanding was the turning of another corner. What all this mean is that if you feel you are at a level six or seven in relationship to change, that’s almost mastery. So you have most likely come a lot further then you originally thought before reading this paragraph.
On the lines below write down as many areas as you can think of where you are making progress toward becoming a Thin and Serene you.
(Now that I have said it’s not important to be perfect in working my program, I need to say that there is one area where you do need to be perfect and that is: “KEEP YOUR NO MATTER WHAT Red LIST FOODS IN ONE POCKET AND YOUR LIFE IN THE OTHER AND DON‘T MIX.”

Give Up

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