Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Week Five

The Lists and

“Acting As If”

My Yellow List - Week Five
Rewrite your Yellow list adding any new items that “could” interfere with your journey. Your Yellow and Red Lists “could” be getting closer in size
1.____________________________ 8.____________________________
2.____________________________ 9.____________________________
3._____________________________ 10.____________________________
4.______________________________ 11.____________________________
5._____________________________ 12.____________________________
6._____________________________ 13.____________________________
7._____________________________ 14.____________________________
♥A day can begin at anytime, especially with your Yellow List, just because you needed the help of your Yellow List doesn’t mean you have to wait until morning to put it back on the shelf. Your Yellow List is to be used only when absolutely necessary, it’s your choice if you abuse it. At anytime, you can choose to begin again, even at this very moment.

My No Matter What Red List - Week Five

1. ____________________________ 7._________________________
2. ____________________________ 8. _________________________
3. ____________________________ 9. _________________________
4. ___________________________ 10. _________________________
5.____________________________ 11. _________________________
6. _____________________________12. _________________________

♥It’s time to take another item from your Yellow List and transfer it to your
No Matter What Red List. This list “could” be between five to twelve items long now.
♥I have a hard fast rule about food at work, if I don’t bring it, I don’t eat it. In the beginning, I used to eat foods that others brought as long as they were on my plan. Then I noticed, I had more control over my addict when I adhered to the rule, if I don’t bring it I don’t eat it. The less talking I can keep my addict from doing, the better my chances of having a Thin and Serene Life.
♥I used to feel a little sorry for my addict because she needed so much food to be happy, then came the realization that she did not want the food let alone need it, she just wanted me to want it. Needless to say that totally stopped any sorry feelings I was wasting on her.
♥When events in your life surface that you want to eat over, write down what they are on a piece of paper and slip it into you life pocket to signify that it’s a life occurrence and has nothing to do with your food which is safe and in a separate pocket. Again the most important tool I can give you is: “KEEP YOUR FOOD IN ONE POCKET AND YOUR LIFE IN THE OTHER; AND DON‘T MIX.”

My Green List - Week Five
Your Green List is similar to last week. Keep in mind that the more exact you can be, the more space you will be putting between you and your addict.

1. Just a reminder that most of our bodies do not know the difference between hunger and thirst and your addict will always try to convince you into believing it’s food you need. As a result of this, you need to be proactive when it comes to water. The basic rule of thumb is that you need eight, eight ounce glasses a day. My understanding is that you can count skim milk and decaffeinated teas as part of this because they are mostly water. Thus, you need to add five more glasses throughout your day.
2. For lunch and dinner keep your vegetables at exactly twelve ounces.
3. Suggested food plan
Breakfast- 4 ounces protein
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving starchy carb..
Lunch- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1 ounce fat
8 ounces fruit
Optional small serving starchy carb
Dinner- 5 ounces protein
12 ounces vegetables
1.5 ounces fat
8 ounces fruit
3. You need to continue having at least four hours between your meals.
Remember being exact is the best defense against your addict.
4. Knowing in your head that a becoming Thin and Serene is an
inside job.

5. My food plan (just in case you’re interested)
Feel free to adopt my food plan if it interests you.
Breakfast-4 ounces protein
12 ounces fruit
Lunch-5 ounces protein
16 ounces vegetables
1 ounce fat
8 ounces fruit
Dinner-5 ounces protein
24 ounces vegetables
1.5 ounces fat
8 ounces fruit
My food plan is exactly weighed all the time, everywhere. This is the extreme I have to go to, to live a Thin and Serene Life. And it’s a small price to pay for the life, weighing my food has given me. I have been adhering to this food plan No Matter What (with some small changes to adjust for weight fluctuations) for over 657 days (two years on July 21, 2006).
♥If you haven’t already, it’s time to start thinking about making your exactly weighed vegetables part of your No Matter What Day Count. Keeping in mind that exactness is one of the few things your addict respects.

Try some herbal tea. Its counts towards meeting your water needs. I especially like apple cinnamon herbal tea with stevia to add sweetness. The smaller I’ve gotten the more easily I become cold and the herbal tea warms me up.

“You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face,
And show the world all the love in your heart.
Then people are going to treat you better.
You’re going to find, yes you will
That you’re as beautiful as you feel”
Carole King
There’s magic in behaving the way we want to be even though we don’t feel it yet. “Act As If” by changing your actions, then let them lead the way. Your attitude, mind and life will follow.

Many days I did not get up feeling happy, joyous and free, but I found the days I put a smile on my face, even if it was pasted at first, by midday I was feeling much better.
I used to challenge myself to drive all the way to work with a smile on my face. It’s like looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. I also took note of how many others were not smiling on the way to work. The fact is that most people look pretty serious or downright unhappy as they drive to work.
I also tried smiling at others everywhere I went to see how people would react. I even tried it while running in Central Park while visiting New York. I don’t think I got anyone to smile there. Maybe they thought I was a mugger or something.
Smiling is putting out positive energy, and I have found that whatever force I put out, is what I’m going to get back. If I display negative energy, that’s what will return two-fold. So I vote for putting out positive energy especially if I might get it back double. I have always liked two for one especially when it came to food sales. In my other life, a two for one sale was reason enough to buy any food item even if I didn’t really even like it, let alone need it.
At one time, the Sears in our area used to label their merchandise good, better, and best. As far as they were concerned, everything in their store was high quality. Now you and I know that even Sears carries some items that are less than good so I decided if Sears could “Act As If” everything was at least good then so could I. This tool has been paramount in helping me feel better about myself because even on so-called “bad” days, I chose to call them good. This little “Acting As If” attitude was a huge step forward in my beginning to love myself.

You took a big step, too, when you started labeling your days with stars. Notice that every day is at least labeled “good” as represented by each day having a minimum of one star. My experience has been that if I act like something is a certain way long enough, eventually the magic of “Acting As If” turns it that way. This is at least is determined by our attitude, which is eighty percent of the battle.
You might have wondered why in my guide almost every time I mention the word “could” I put it in parentheses. Here’s the reason: I have removed the word “should” from my vocabulary and replaced it with the word “could“. I’ve found “should” to be a shaming world. When I “should” on myself, I feel “less than” and anything that makes me feel “less than” is tainted by my addict. My caution to you is to think twice before using the word “should“. You might notice I have been very careful about my use of “should” in this guide because in no way do I wish to make you feel “less than.”

“Act As If”
Eventually it Will Become Real

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